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Thinking Strategically is now updated and refreshed with lots of new information and bite-size videos introducing the topic from the author herself, Anna Faherty.

This course is one of our best sellers. It looks at what strategy is, why strategy is important for accounting professionals and helps you be part of the strategic discussion within your organisation.

Updates to the course include;
Environmental scanning – in other words, how to easily keep up to date with accounting industry developments.
Blue Ocean Strategy - Sound unfamiliar? There are plenty of great informational videos on YouTube, but we’d suggest this one with Donald Martin which is also included in the course.
Emergent Strategy – focused on making strategic decisions one step at a time, this experimental approach is especially relevant when operating in uncertain environments.
Scenario Planning - a useful tool for mapping out future possibilities!

100% of learners said this course met their CPD needs;

"It challenged me as a business person to think differently.”

"I feel empowered to discuss strategic goals setting with my manager.”

What will you learn about strategic thinking and how will you use it? See the course here.

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