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The news has been everywhere, and every accountant knows about it. Since January 2015 the new GAAP reporting standards became mandatory. If you're in practice, you needed to be able to identify the best solution for each of your clients; if you're in business, you needed to be familiar with the standard you're adopting so you can explain the changes to stakeholders and understand the strategic implications for your business.

Last year, with the help of Lisa Weaver, we launched three courses to help put you in the best position possible for adopting these new regulations. But what did you make of the courses? What did they provide for you?

So what comes next when preparing your financial statements for 2016? There is still so much left to think about and learn when it comes to the new UK and Ireland GAAP. We'd love to hear from you. What reporting standard are you adopting? How are you preparing for the change in numbers? Why not let us know?

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