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One of our regular authors, David Allen, has recently updated his Risk Management course. The course looks at the context in which the concept of risk management has developed, the sort of infrastructure and processes it requires, and the impact it has on traditional control systems before taking note of some of the problems which have made national and international news.

It is the section on "Recent Disasters" which uses case studies to illustrate the concept of risk management, that has been updated. It includes new risk-related content on various issues, including the Leveson enquiry leading up to the court case this year where Rebekah Brooks was cleared and Andy Coulson was found guilty of conspiracy. David Allen also discusses the case around Homeserve who were fined £30million in January this year and order to repay £17 million by the Financial Conduct Authority due to the mis-selling of insurance policies.

Risk Management is a popular course and David Allen's approach throughout is to use stories to highlight questions as to why top management were not alert to the risks involved.

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