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It’s a little known fact that at the turn of the Millenium, the Japanese Department of Trade undertook a survey to find out about the most influential inventions of the 20th Century. The most incredible part of the survey is that of all the most influential inventions 54% were British; a staggering figure, meaning that the rest of the world accounted for 46%.

Yet the depressing thing is that we did not commercialise anywhere near that amount. Britain, unlike many other countries is risk averse. Are we still today?

In his recently published online course, Intellectual Property expert, Rob Lucas sets out to address just this, by helping more budding inventors and innovators across the world, to exploit their best ideas and reap the benefits.

Intellectual property and new ideas looks at how you can help your clients and companies to develop and protect ideas so they can get real value from them. Rob takes you through the processes required to assess new ideas, select the best ones and avoid wasting your and your clients’ time on those that will not work.

Find out more about the course and how it will help you support your clients and organisations.

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