accountingcpd blog

  1. Reflections from Accountex

    While we were exhibiting at Accountex last week, two key topics were often mentioned: AI and AML...

  2. UK and Australia audit authorities sign mutual recognition agreement

    The FRC and ASIC recently announced a Memorandum of Understanding on Reciprocal Arrangements that will make it easier for auditors to work between...

  3. Improving Financial Modelling With AI

    AI can help you create financial models and forecasts quickly and simply, allowing you to make rapid adjustments.

  4. Making Work a Safe Space

    Employers have just as much responsibility for employees’ psychological safety as they do for their physical safety.

  5. Using Excel in Financial Reporting

    Are you making the most of Excel it when it comes to financial reporting?

  6. Upcoming Changes to UK and Ireland GAAP

    FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland is in the midst of a shake-up, which might be unnerving...