accountingcpd blog

  1. It's not about the money, honey

    Szabolcs Fekete, a former employee of Citibank, was dismissed for claiming two sandwiches instead of one, but not about the money it’s about...

  2. Common grammar mistakes and how to fix them

    Grammar is complex, so it's easy to get things wrong. While it's fine for errors to creep into your emails or finance reports from time to time,...

  3. Accountants can help advance social equity

    Why is defining and measuring the return to society by an organisation’s activities becoming important as part of financial objectives?

  4. Six tactics England's Lionesses used to win support for change

  5. A guideline to significant dates in the workplace

    A diversity and inclusion calendar can aid workplaces in making inclusion a daily occurrence and regular aspect of an employee’s routine.

  6. FRC's Proposed Minimum Standards for Audit Committees

    There has been a good deal of discussion in the accountancy press about the role of audit committees - here's what we think.