accountingcpd blog

  1. Report from PwC Highlights Continuing Differences Between US GAAP and IFRS

    In an increasingly globalised economy the use of IFRS and US GAAP is a complication that most of us would rather avoid. Learning two languages...

  2. The Tricky Issue of Bribery and Corruption

    You may think that bribery and corruption only happens in large organisations but you'd be surprised. Don't assume it could never happen in...

  3. Can Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Course Help Your Organisation?

    The stakes are high for those who get involved in bribery and corruption and their organisations. Its important to avoid being stuck on the...

  4. We've launched IFRS The Structure of Financial Statements

    Blog, Accounting, Authors, Business Skills, Financial Management, Financial Reports, Management Skills, New course, CPD, Online Learning, Professional...

  5. Would You Say Fraud is an Inevitable Cost of Doing Business?

    What would your response be if someone told you that fraud was inevitable in business? Whether you are an employee, a manager or an executive...

  6. Reports of Financial Crime Double Within Year

    Blog, Accounting, Business Skills, Finance, Financial Management, Financial Reports