accountingcpd blog

  1. Can Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Course Help Your Organisation?

    The stakes are high for those who get involved in bribery and corruption and their organisations. Its important to avoid being stuck on the...

  2. What is the FAST Standard and Why Should We Be Using It?

    Miscalculations in financial models can cause a company to lose a lot of money. The objective of the FAST standard is to reduce errors by using...

  3. Intangible Assets

    As a consequence of a study by Brand Finance plc in conjunction with CIMA, the old chestnut of assessing the value of a company's intangible...

  4. What is the Aim of Negotiation?

    As an accountant, the majority of people that you negotiate with will be people or businesses that you need to maintain good relationships with...

  5. We've launched IFRS The Structure of Financial Statements

    Blog, Accounting, Authors, Business Skills, Financial Management, Financial Reports, Management Skills, New course, CPD, Online Learning, Professional...

  6. FRS 102: Your Next Step in UK and Ireland GAAP

    Understanding the theory of new UK and Ireland GAAP is the first step, it might now be time for you to get into the nuts and bolts of the technical,...